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Sequential Illustration
Here is a collection of images from a sequential illustration unit I have recently undertaken in my second year of university. I based my theme around the concept of seasons and their transitions, I feel a lot of my work is inspired by Nature and Natural forms, so this was a theme that I really enjoyed.

Gallery of Work

Narrative Illustration 


Here is a slideshow of a final piece I made for a Narrative illustration project in my 1st year at university. I created it using paper cutouts to illustrate the narrative of the childrens book; Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?

Research Methodology 


Here is some example of work I made as part of a research project in my 1st year. I chose to look into Butterflies and try to convey ideas about them through imagery. I tend to find animals and Nature a good source of inspiration and a great theme in order to create successful artworks.

| Personal Work |

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